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Roots of Empathy

Primary 1/2 are participating in a program called Roots of Empathy This award-winning program supports children’s positive mental health and wellbeing.

Mr Kearney will introducing them to a “Tiny Teacher”, a baby from our community that they will get to know through 9 monthly visits to their classroom. Over the course of the school year, they will watch the baby grow. The children predict and cheer when their Roots of Empathy baby reaches the 'developmental milestones' of the first year: “She can roll over!” “He got his first tooth!” “She can clap hands!” “He can sit up!” “She can wave!” “He can crawl!!”


Mr Kearney will also coach the children in observing and reading the emotional cues of the baby. This will be used as a lever for the children to talk about their own emotions and to understand how their classmates feel. Roots of Empathy is founded on the loving relationship between a parent and baby, which is where empathy starts.


Founded in 1996, over 1,200,000 children have been learning to respect and care for one another with the lessons started through their Roots of Empathy baby. Roots of Empathy is a tried, tested and proven effective program that increases children's kindness, caring, including, sharing and helping behaviours as they develop empathy. Research from 3 continents shows that as empathy develops, aggression and bullying behaviours are reduced. You may want to watch this 1 minute animated video that shows the impact of the program:



Our Tiny Teacher Ezra

Class Picture With Ezra

Visit 1 - Getting to know Ezra

Visit 2 - Crying

Visit 3 - Planning and Caring

Visit 4 - Emotions

Visit 6 - Safety

Visit 7 - Communication